Thursday 13 February 2014

Debunking the Pretence

I recently made an argument on how economic policy discourse is characterised by pretence. The one area where that pretence is glaring is on the subject of interest rate. The arguments on this subject by both punditry and pseudo-punditry often play to the emotions of people; sometimes the narrative is framed as if it is seeking political favour. I am not taking about straw-men here.
Look at Jaindi Kisero's two recent commentaries - one seeking to insinuate bad faith on the part of the Central Bank of Kenya on the whole issue of trying to come up with a "solution" on "problem" of interest rates spread and the other seeking to give a false impression that somebody somewhere has an immediate solution.
Both of Kisero's commentaries are at best peddlers of assertions. That is why somebody had to debunk the assertions. An that somebody was yours truly. I argue that not letting prejudice interrupt a good story amounts to intellectual dishonesty. I am waiting, and ready, for a push-back.  

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