Sunday, 9 February 2014

Faking it Through and Through

We relish any opportunity to tell all who want to listen that we are a frontier economy. We are doing great when it comes to GDP growth, and this we are reminded by any "international partner" is in town to hobnob with leadership. Remember when Christine Lagarde was in town to tell us how well we are doing and how that is a strong basis for 'doing business?
To spice it up, we are now looking East - damn the consequences if by so doing we grow fast. And on this hypocritical stance, we are not alone; even the developed world is playing ball with the East while in the same breath pretending to be taking a high moral ground. But at least the developed world realises optimal job creation.
In our case, we fake it; at least that is what a recent study tells me. Firms in Africa are simply not creating enough jobs. Why? Wanting policy regimes; constrained financing; and we seem to assume that it is no big deal. Oh, and we are doing fine, or so our "partners" tell us!

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